Kamis, 24 Juli 2014


When you become a teacher, you should know the characteristic of children. Young learners mean children from the first year of formal schooling (5 or 6 year old) to eleven or twelve year age. Young learners have own special characteristics. There should be known and understood by the teacher to give contribution to improve their quality of teaching and learning process. And it are like below

important for children‟s intellectual, physical, emotional and social development. They go through a series of stages, progressively acquiring skills that are thought necessary by the society they live in. Many of these skills are interdependent, and if one has not been sufficiently developed, the acquisition of another may be impeded. On the physical side, children need to develop balance, spatial awareness and fine control of certain muscles in order to play sports and perform everyday actions such as dressing themselves, cleaning their teeth, colouring, drawing and writing. Socially, children need to develop a series of characteristics to enable them to fit into the society they live in, to become aware of themselves in relation to others, to share and co-operate and to be assertive without being aggressive. They need to be able to accept criticism and become self-critical, to be aware of how they learn and to experiment with different learning styles, to organise their work and to be open and interested in all that surrounds them” (Phillips 1993: 5,6). And physical sides of young learner are :
physical word is dominant  their understanding through hands, eyes and ears.
they performs physical activities in many ways for example they love coloring, drawing, drawing, and writing
social side they love playing and working in the company 


as good teacher should know psychological side of young learner because psychological also has effect in psychology young learner in learning activities and teacher should know the implication also .and it like bellow
They have short concentration span. This only 7 minute maximum to concentrate . as the teacher So teachers should vary their techniques to break the boredom. they should give varied activities as handwriting , songs , games etc.
They are forgetful It usually begins early, around 4 or 5 years old, and peaks when a child hits junior high.  . This is a natural, normal response
 They like imitating They enjoy imitating and skilfull in listening accurately and mimicking what they have heard.
They  have high curiosty  Strong curiosity gives children confidence to try new things. So As the teacher should  Be a good role model. To open student’s brain  It can help them develop the ability to be flexible
They are risk taker we know every children will grow up and they will know about around of them they only focus what they know and sometime apply it without concern from the other person. so as the teacher should let them but still pay attention to them


Their first language isn’t fully developed as the teacher should prepare suitable material to stimulate student to develop their ability in first language
They need to develop their native language  the teacher should develop the techniques of teaching
They don’t need linguistics knowledge children not focus in linguistic because they only want to communicate

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