Kamis, 24 Juli 2014


When you become a teacher, you should know the characteristic of children. Young learners mean children from the first year of formal schooling (5 or 6 year old) to eleven or twelve year age. Young learners have own special characteristics. There should be known and understood by the teacher to give contribution to improve their quality of teaching and learning process. And it are like below

important for children‟s intellectual, physical, emotional and social development. They go through a series of stages, progressively acquiring skills that are thought necessary by the society they live in. Many of these skills are interdependent, and if one has not been sufficiently developed, the acquisition of another may be impeded. On the physical side, children need to develop balance, spatial awareness and fine control of certain muscles in order to play sports and perform everyday actions such as dressing themselves, cleaning their teeth, colouring, drawing and writing. Socially, children need to develop a series of characteristics to enable them to fit into the society they live in, to become aware of themselves in relation to others, to share and co-operate and to be assertive without being aggressive. They need to be able to accept criticism and become self-critical, to be aware of how they learn and to experiment with different learning styles, to organise their work and to be open and interested in all that surrounds them” (Phillips 1993: 5,6). And physical sides of young learner are :
physical word is dominant  their understanding through hands, eyes and ears.
they performs physical activities in many ways for example they love coloring, drawing, drawing, and writing
social side they love playing and working in the company 


as good teacher should know psychological side of young learner because psychological also has effect in psychology young learner in learning activities and teacher should know the implication also .and it like bellow
They have short concentration span. This only 7 minute maximum to concentrate . as the teacher So teachers should vary their techniques to break the boredom. they should give varied activities as handwriting , songs , games etc.
They are forgetful It usually begins early, around 4 or 5 years old, and peaks when a child hits junior high.  . This is a natural, normal response
 They like imitating They enjoy imitating and skilfull in listening accurately and mimicking what they have heard.
They  have high curiosty  Strong curiosity gives children confidence to try new things. So As the teacher should  Be a good role model. To open student’s brain  It can help them develop the ability to be flexible
They are risk taker we know every children will grow up and they will know about around of them they only focus what they know and sometime apply it without concern from the other person. so as the teacher should let them but still pay attention to them


Their first language isn’t fully developed as the teacher should prepare suitable material to stimulate student to develop their ability in first language
They need to develop their native language  the teacher should develop the techniques of teaching
They don’t need linguistics knowledge children not focus in linguistic because they only want to communicate
rpp SD bahasa inggris

hy kawan kawan masih bingungkah kalian untuk menyusun rpp SD silahkan liat disini
rpp sd bahasa inggris

untuk standart isi  dan kompetensi dasar isi silahkan klik dibawah

standar isi  dan kompetensi dasar

tips mengajar siswa dengan media unik 

Dalam silabus ini dicantumkan kompetensi dasar atau keterampilan berbahasa apa yang akan dicapai dan daftar
kosakata untuk setiap jenjang atau kelas yang minimal perlu dikuasai siswa. Guru dapat menambah bila memang siswanya membutuhkan. Buku ajar yang diberi judul Learning by Doing

jilid 1–6 dicetak oleh PT Grafindo Media Pratama dalam bentuk yang cukup menarik atas permintaan peneliti yang juga penulis, antara lain kualitas kertas, gambar dan dicetak berwarna. Buku itu berisi berbagai macam kegiatan yang berdasarkan teori, konsep, pengalaman dan penelitian sesuai untuk anak SD. Selain itu jenis materi juga cukup banyak, antara lain wacana pendek, dialog, dongeng, nyanyian, permainan, dsb. Buku Petunjuk Guru untuk pegangan guru diperlukan sebagai panduan dalam mengimplementasikan buku ajar. Di dalamnya tercantum daftar kompetensi keterampilan berbahasa yang direncanakan untuk dikuasai siswa. Media, terdiri atas 100
flash cards

berupa gambar binatang, benda, buah-buahan, alat rumah tangga, pakaian, dsb. Saat ini flash cardsdisepakati akan dicetak berwarna dan dikembangkan menjadi 200 buah, termasuk flash cards

dengan ukuran kecil untuk anak-anak yang belajar berpasangan dan kerja kelompok. Selain flash cards, juga dibuat 4 set Puppets yang isi ceriteranya ada di buku ajar.

Dengan membaca ceritera (story-reading) atau hanya diceriterakan (story-telling) guru  dapat memperjelas isi ceritera dengan menggunakan

puppets. Siswa dapat memegang 

 itu dan memerankannya bersama-sama dengan siswa lain (peers). Puppets ini dibuat dari bahan yang cukup kuat dan dibuat berwar

na supaya lebih menarik. Banyak guru yang tidak tahu bagaimana menyanyikan lagu-lagu bahasa Inggris

yang ada di buku. Mereka memerlukan kaset rekaman n

yanyian yang ada di buku ajar. Oleh karena itu, dibuat rekaman lagu-lagu tersebut agar guru dapat menyanyikannya dan guru dapat mempersiapkan sebelumnya. Selain kaset nyanyian, juga dibuat CD model mengajar. Guru dapat melihat CD model mengajar, kemudian mengembangkan kegiatan sendiri sesuai kebutuhan. 

 Prof. Kasihani E. Suyanto, M.A., Ph.pdf Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris di Sekolah Dasar

Senin, 21 Juli 2014

                              do you dare use english (L2) in teaching?
by:rezky bagus satrio
English Department of Teacher Training Faculty
UNP Kediri

we know in teaching english , teachers should consider wheather l1 or l2 which is used for teaching his/her students because in practice the diferent facts happened to them . there were any teacher that success in their teaching using l2 and also using there were any any success in teaching english using l1 but in thei succes there are also risk that feared in using it . there were teacher are hard to lead the student using english when the teachers use english finally the knowledge that produced could not be got by student . and when the teacher use L1 the student could catch it but finally they couldnt be active to use it .
 There is a big discussion dealing with teaching English, as the second language at Young Learners (YL), using the first language or the second language. Both have its own reason why it should be L1 (native language) or L2 (target language) applied in the class.
 I myself do think that it should be L2 and L1. Most of the expert suggested that we should use L2 to teach young learners. most of the experts believe that teachers should use L2 in teaching the second language to young learners for some reasons. The first reason is dealing with the time. Time has the great ally in acquiring the language proficiency[1]. Imagine, how many times would we teach in a week? We may only have 2 times a week. Then, how many hours do we spend to meet them in each day? It is approximately 30 to 35 minutes a day. If there is only 60 to 70 minutes a week to teach the second language, then how is our effort to maximum the result? It is certainly we must communicate using L2.
The next, Lyster in the Bridge stated that children need to practice the language aspects in meaningful, communicative activities[2]. Children spend much time in home. Therefore, they can practice using the second language with their parents if their parents also speak that language. But the environment is different because most of Indonesian doesn’t speak another language except their mother language. It is only with teacher they can practice to communicate in the second language.
The third reason that teacher should teach using the target language is because YL doesn’t speak the second language outside of class. Stefan Thomson in his journal stated that Young Learners have a little contact with native English speakers outside of the classroom[3]. This thus is strengthened by the statement of Tarone and Swain[4] that the young learners choose the L1 for social interaction while using the L2 for structured classroom tasks. Therefore class is only the place where they can practice the language.
The last important reason to teach using target language is because children have a different variety of input in getting the second language. Let’s see around us. Most of their home has a Tv, radio and may be a Pc. But, do they use them to get the second language? Probably yes and not few say no. So, the only source of the second language is only from teachers. Zuzana Strakova even emphasized to use variety of input that seems to be lacking in the classrooms[5]
There is no doubt that teacher now days should teach their students, Young Learners, using target language (L2). Then what are we waiting for as candidate of teacher? Get prepare with appropriate strategies and start using L2. so do you dare use english (L2) in teaching?

[2] LaVan, Cindy. (2001). Help! They’re Using Too Much English. The Bridge: From Research to Practice. Retrived April 2, 2014, from www.carla.umn.edu
[3] Thomson, Stefan. (no year). Teaching Young Learners: Adapting the Classroom for YELLs. University of Birmingham. Retrieved April 2, 2014, from www.birmingham.ac.uk
[5] www.pulib.sk